Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The character of Macbeth throughout the play Essay Example for Free
The character of Macbeth throughout the play Essay Macbeth is one of Shakespeares four great tragedies, which contain witchcraft, treason, and bloody murder. In the following essay, I will be writing about the way I feel towards the character of Macbeth throughout the play and the way in which he changes. Does Shakespeare present him in such a way that we can to some extent understand, even feel for this disloyal, self seeking murderer or can we relate to Malcolms description of him as the dead butcher? Our views on Macbeth change throughout the play because Shakespeare portrays him in many different ways. At the beginning of the play he is seen as a brave soldier, at the top of his profession and rewarded by King Duncan of Scotland. He is spoken about as Brave Macbeth and Worthy gentlemen after his heroism in battle, only to later become cruel and unjust. He had defeated the Norwegians and on his way home meets three witches. The audience in Shakespeares time believed in witches and their sinister side, leaving the audience sceptical when Macbeth communicates with them, leading us to believe he is connected with evil. The witches then give Macbeth three predictions: All hail Macbeth! Hail to the thane of Glamis! All hail Macbeth! Hail to thee thane of Cawdor! All hail Macbeth! That shalt be king hereafter. Macbeth is already thane of Glamis but chooses not to believe the witches because he feels that the Thane of Cawdor is alive. Soon after some messengers come and deliver, the news to Macbeth that he has been granted the thaneship of due to a treasonous crime committed on the Thane of Cawdors behalf. Macbeth starts to believe that a third prediction is likely to occur, given that the first two appear to have. Two truths are told, as the happy prologues to the swelling act of the imperial theme. Macbeths fatal flaw of ambition then overcomes him and he begins to contemplate regicide which, he feels is the only way of becoming King, My thought, whose murder is yet but fantastical. The attitude of the audience changes completely, however, the next time Macbeth meets up with the witches. Sympathy cannot be felt for Macbeth, as it is he who goes to the witches, not the contrary. At this stage, we cannot help but speculate concerning Macbeths apparent involvement with the evil forces, suggesting that he may have some evil present in him. One of the witches confirms this when admitting, Something wicked this way comes. Macbeth turns to the witches because of his insecurity. He is the subject of growing suspicion among many people, despite obtaining his ambition of kingship. On the contrary, he was enlightened when first meeting the witches that Banquos sons would be kings. This implies that children will be unable to follow Macbeth in the line of royalty and intrinsically apprehends Macbeth. In an attempt to find out how to keep his throne, Macbeth confronts the witches about his future. He is consequently granted three apparitions: Beware Macduff, None of woman born shall harm Macbeth. Moreover, Macbeth shall never vanquished be until Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him. These apparitions are all ambiguous, deliberately intended to mystify Macbeth and the audience. Why does Macbeth have to be cautious of Macduff? If no born son of a woman can harm Macbeth then who can? It is possible for a wood to move of its own accord so did Macbeth have nothing to fear? The ambiguousness of these apparitions and the manner in which Macbeth interprets them makes Macbeth over confident with regards to his safety because we later learn in the play that Macduff was not born of woman but of caesarean. We also learn that Macduff and Malcolms army cut down Birnam Wood and uses it as camouflage to get closer to Macbeths fortress without him seeing them. With the information they feed him with, the witches offer a hand of encouragement for Macbeths decisions (e.g. he kills Banquo because the witches say that Banquos sons will be kings) but are never responsible for what Macbeth does. They simply put ideas into his head, acting as a catalyst for his actions. The main influence on Macbeth, however, is his wife, Lady Macbeth, portrayed as a manipulative and domineering power. When Lady Macbeth hears about the predictions of the witches she immediately ponders murdering king Duncan. She realises, however, that although Macbeth is very ambitious, Thou art not without ambition, he is too compassionate to carry out the murder, I fear thy nature, is too full o th milk of human kindness. Lady Macbeth therefor formulates a plan. Lady Macbeth honours and loves her husband very much. She also conscious of her husbands reluctance to be thought of as a coward and when refusing to go ahead with murdering the king We will proceed no further in this business, uses the weakness to insult his manliness Was the hope drunk Wherein you dressed yourself? She therefor manipulates him into agreeing to commit the regicide. At this point in the play, we feel some compassion towards Macbeth, as he is weak in resisting his wifes ever growing influence. We become wary of the responsibility Lady Macbeth has on her husbands change of heart. Interesting to note, also, that at Shakespears time the husband would have been the dominant partner, and therefor the audience would have been cynical towards Lady Macbeth for her scheming ways and rare ability of being authoritative over her husband. In the scene just before Macbeth goes to kill Duncan he initially decides himself in his soliloquy to murder Duncan, despite the profound reasons not to. Macbeth appreciates Duncans fine qualities- his humility and his integrity in carrying out to perfection the tasks of kingship and knows that to destroy such virtue would be a crime against heaven. This leaves the audience divided in their opinions concerning Lady Macbeths influence on the plot. At this stage, I remain indefinite as to whether Macbeth really is the ruthless party in the murder or whether his wifes influence is the decisive passage. Lady Macbeths moral conscience is not as evident as her husbands. She is now the stronger of the two, and Macbeth cannot stand up to her accusations that he is a coward, lacking in manliness, and a traitor to his word. He yields to her, and in order to prove himself a man in his eyes submits to a womans guidance. Despite this, the couple has an affectionate relationship My dearest Love. Eventually the only loyalty that Lady Macbeth and have is their loyalty for each other. Disloyalty is shown when Macbeth murders the king just to make sure he keeps the throne. Unreasonable ambition takes over, with the consequence of loosing the things that were once important to the both of them. Lady Macbeth not only influences Macbeth on the murder of King Duncan but Macbeth also advances in killing his dearest friend Banquo and the wife and children of Macduff. When hearing of these unruly murders and realising that her husband is behind them she is driven insane by the sheer grotesqueness of them, The thane of Fire had a wife; where is she now? before her eventual act of suicide. Although not greatly evident King Duncan himself is a significant influence on Macbeth. Duncan is a very bad judge of character. He trusted the Thane of Cawdor He was a gentleman on whom I built absolute trust. However, The Thane of Cawdor turned out to be a traitorous villain. Duncan then gives Macbeth the thaneship of Cawdor. This is Dramatic irony as he is giving Macbeth the title of a traitor. This is also the wrong step because it raises Macbeth above all the other lords. Duncan praises Macbeth for his bravery at war, consequently making the other lords envious of Macbeth, and raising Macbeths ego. These three influences, the witches, Lady Macbeth and Duncan contribute significantly to Macbeths change in character throughout the play. The story unfolds as follows: The first time we hear about Macbeth is when the witches mention his name. This would make the audience feel uneasy and they would wonder why Macbeth is associated with evil. Their minds are then put at rest when the captain refers to him as Brave Macbeth. Macbeth is portrayed as a hero. He defeats the Norwegians and is rewarded with the thaneship of Cawdor so the audience admires him. They think that he is a loyal and worthy subject to the king. Then the witches meet with Macbeth; the audience would begin to have doubts about his loyalty when he starts contemplating about murdering the king. Macbeth then admits If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir. This emphasises that he is still unsure about having to murder King Duncan and at this point feels that if the witches have predicted it then fate will make him king without him having to do anything. King Duncan then names his son Malcolm as heir with Macbeth realising that he cannot become king unless he does something about it, That is a step On which I must fall down, or else oer-leap. Macbeth thinks a great deal about murdering the king and reasons for it and in his soliloquies the audience would see his thoughts and begin to feel sorry for him because his ambition is so strong that it is having a psychological effect on him. Nevertheless, in the end, despite the many doubts ultimately decides himself to kill Duncan. The audience can no longer feel sympathy for his actions because the decision to kill the king is his own; they would feel horror and dissatisfaction because of what he has done. During the time that Shakespeare was alive and Macbeth was first shown on stage people thought that regicide was a horrific crime and he who commits it, was eternally damned to hell. After Macbeth kills Duncan, he meets with Lady Macbeth. This scene (act 2 scene 2) is the plays most tense and dramatic. At the beginning, we see Lady Macbeth by herself in an agitated state. Every small noise unsettles her Hark! When Macbeth intrudes the pace changes, with the distinct exchange of questions and answers between them. This emphasises their state of nerves. We get an insight into Lady Macbeths character and the part she has played in the murder and also a little hint of weakness on her behalf when discovering that she went to kill Duncan but couldnt because he reminded her of her father, Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had donet. We hear how Macbeths preoccupation with not being able to pronounce amen after hearing the prayer demonstrates his state of mind his guilt and his awareness that he has sold out to evil and the powers of darkness. Because Macbeth is so tense he forgets to leave the daggers at the murder scene and when Lady Macbeth tells him to take them back he says, I am afraid to think what I have done; Look ont again I dare not. Therefore, Lady Macbeth takes them back. When she goes to return the daggers Macbeth has a short soliloquy. This gives us an insight into his state of mind. He is full of guilt, will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood Clean from my hands? This means that he cannot rid of the guilt. As a knocking is heard on the castle gates, Lady Macbeth returns but her husband is already regretting what he has done saying, Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thy couldst! Duncans sons Malcolm and Donalbain then flee the country for fear that their turn to be murdered will come so Macbeth becomes king. Despite having this title he is still insecure, with the prediction from the witches of Banquos sons becoming king, Macbeth decides that he has to prevent this fate and therefor hires murderers without Lady Macbeths knowledge to kill Banquo. This shows the audience how their relationship is breaking up. We are shocked at Macbeths decision to kill Banquo because he was Banquos best friend. After Banquo is murdered Macbeth hallucinates, he sees the ghost of Banquo covered in blood sitting in his chair at a banquet. All Macbeths lords are present but they cannot see the ghost, Lady Macbeth tries to relax him when saying, you look on but a stool. She tells him that what he is seeing is merely an illusion like the air drawn dagger which led him to Duncan. This indicates that after the murders Macbeth has a guilty, unquiet mind. He fears every one and in front of all the lords, he proclaims himself unstable. To the audience it appears as if Macbeth is turning insane and they sympathise with him because he has lost every thing dear to him: his best friend, his absolute trust and loyalty to his wife and the security of lots of friends who support him. Because of this insecurity, Macbeth pays the witches a visit with them showing him the three apparitions. With theses apparitions Macbeth is re-assured, his interpretation of them leads him to think that he cannot be harmed Then live, Macduff: what need I fear of thee? Macbeth then finds out that Macduff has fled to England in an attempt to encourage Malcolm to bring an army to fight Macbeth, filling him with anger. This provokes him to get revenge on Macduff: The castles of Macduff I will surprise, Seize upon Fife, give to thedge othsword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls That trace him in his line. This would horrify the audience; the modern day audience would be more horrified at this murder than the 17th century audience who would think that regicide is worse. The modern day audience would feel nothing but contempt for Macbeths act of slaughtering women and children. Macbeths character at this point is completely destroyed; No heroism, loyalty, or any good qualities that he once had are left. No sympathy can now be given from the audiences point of view or any other character in the play. Lady Macbeth commits suicide because of guilty conscience regarding what she has done and what Macbeth has done. Macbeth subsequently hears that Malcolm and Macduff are coming towards him with a great army, He is not too worried because of the witches apparitions and he says I will not be afraid of death and bane Till Birnam forest come to Dunsinane. Macbeth receives the news of his wifes death and through his soliloquy reveals that he cannot grieve for her, due to having his mind in the direction of battle She should have died hereafter. Only at this point does Macbeth realise that he has nothing left and all because of his over ambition. A messenger later comes and announces that Birnam wood is moving. The armies of Malcolm and Macduff have cut down the forest and used it as camouflage. Macbeth begins to lose hope and feels like they have tied him to a stake. In addition, he cannot fly. Nevertheless, he decides that he will fight on Ill fight, till from my bones my flesh be hacked. Macbeth then sets out to fight he kills a man and still holds on to the apparition from the witches that no one born of a woman shall harm him, Swords I smile at, weapons laugh to scorn, Brandished by man thats of a woman born. Macduff confronts Macbeth and Macbeth is not very fearful of him because of the witches apparition. He says to Macduff: With thy keen sword impress as make me bleed: Let fall thy blade on vulnerable crests, I bear a charmed life, which must not yield To one of woman born. Macduff then replies saying that he was not of woman born; he was from his mothers womb Untimely ripped Macbeth now knows that Macduff is going to kill him but he shows a last bit of courage and he fights on. The audience cannot feel admiration for Macbeth because of what he has done only sympathy because he has noting left, and he knows it. Macduff then kills Macbeth and hails Malcolm as King. At the end of the play, we see Macbeth a respected hero turned into a vengeful villain through unreasonable ambition, with the influences of people around him. He commits regicide, murder, and vengeful slaughter. After the murder of Duncan, Macbeth is horrified to think of what he has done. Shakespeare contrasts Macbeth and his wife in their attitudes of the murder. Lady Macbeth is bold and confident, because she does, not understand that the deed is morally wrong: he only concern is to destroy the evidence. Macbeth, on the other hand, awakens to a consciousness of guilt that will remain with him until his death. At times, Shakespeare encourages the audience to feel sympathy and understanding for Macbeth but at times all that the audience can feel for Macbeth is horror, anger, disgust, and contempt, although at the end of the play he shows tremendous character when facing certain death.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Operations Management Theory: Reconciling Capacity and Demand Essay
Question 3: Draw on appropriate Operations Management theory, concepts and frameworks to examine how your organization, or an organization with which you are familiar, reconciles capacity and demand. Information technology services industry is a highly competitive cost based operation sector where availability of resources, tangible and intangible is key to successful projects. This makes a significant challenge to accurately reconcile capacity and demand. OpenText is a leader in providing enterprise content management solutions and we will analyse consulting services provided in the European market along with effect on demand with todayââ¬â¢s changing economic environment. Slack et al (2009, p.248) defines relationship between capacity and demand as: "Capacity is the output that an operation (or single process) can deliver in a defined unit of time. Demand is the quantity of products and services that customers request from an operation or process at any point in time". Managing capacity is an on-going effort in the industry by reducing cost through repeat business from existing customer and by engaging new potential customers; This while managing customer expectations and ensuring quality of service. Customer engagement and service delivery are key to OpenTextââ¬â¢s economic competiveness in the market. Employee development and attracting highly skilled individuals to the organisation are essential in delivering quality service. When considering potential projects, OpenText need to know the resource availability to perform the tasks. This demand for resources is weighted against who is available (capacity) to determine if additional resources are required to meet the demand and if required what types of resources are needed... uncertainty. IIE Transactions 34 717-728. Slack, N., Chambers, S., Johnston, R., Betts, A.,(2009). Operations and process management: Second edition. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited Roth, A.V. and Velde ,M V D.(1991), ââ¬Å"Operations As Marketing : A Competitive Service Strategyâ⬠, Journal of Operations Management ,Vol. 10 ,No. 3,pp 303-328 Chiang, W. K. and Feng, Y. (2007). The value of information sharing in the presence of supply uncertainty and demand volatility. International Journal of Production Research, 45 (6), 1429-1447. Hum,Sin Hoon (2000), ââ¬Å"A Hayes-Wheelwright framework approach for strategic management of thrid party logistics servicesâ⬠,Integrated Manufacturing Systems,Vol .11/2,pp 132-137 Buxey,G.(1993). Production planning and scheduling for seasonal demand. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 13(7),4-21.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Babysitting for Sociology
Over the past seven years I have come to learn many different things about myself and about children due to babysitting. I first started babysitting when I was a about eleven years of age. I started off by watching my younger brothers when my parents went out at night. That affected my biological rhythm (274). My body was used to going to sleep around nine oââ¬â¢clock since I was still young, but I had to force myself to stay up so I could watch over my brothers while they slept. I sometimes found myself staying up till about midnight! Since I was so tired from staying up it seemed to have an affect on my sleeping also.It seemed like I would have more dreams that I could vividly remember the next morning (280). The next couple of nights after I babysat, it seemed like by body was on REM rebound due to the stages of REM sleep I would miss (276). Now that I am older I have trained my body to be able to stay awake and not feel like I had sleep derivation the next day (280). During th e duration of training my body to stay awake late, I learned a few things the hard way. I first thought that if I drank a lot of caffeine I would be able to stay awake longer and easier.Well that thought nearly ruined me! It wasnââ¬â¢t soon after I started relying on caffeine that my body became tolerant to it, and it seemed like I couldnââ¬â¢t go sleep without it or wake up without it (297)! At first it seemed like I was going through a withdrawal period (297). My body was craving the caffeine so badly that I felt sick without it. From that experience I have learned that doing homework or talking on the phone helps me stay awake while I am waiting on the childrenââ¬â¢s parents to get home. I am lucky that I have only suffered from addiction to caffeine and not drugs.A friend of mine became addicted to cocaine due to having to stay awake late for school. When she took that drug she said it made her feel like she could stay awake forever. To stay awake that is what a person wants to feel. Cocaine addiction is a fast track from euphoria to crash (301). Through my many years of experience in babysitting I have learned that most children fall under the category of associative learning. Associative learning is learning that certain events occur together (315). For example with most children after everything they do there is some sort of consequence.Younger kids have a tendency to get into things that they shouldnââ¬â¢t. Therefore, after they get into something that is off limits, they get in trouble. After watching kids fall under that category I also realized that many adults fall under it also. It seems like after every action there is a consequence. Here are some examples of kids actions and the responses they get. When a kid eats or drinks, automatically they have to use pee or poop afterwards. That is an example of unconditioned response (317). The substance the kid puts in their mouth is the unconditioned stimulus (317).A kid has to use the restro om soon after they eat because they havenââ¬â¢t quite learned how to control their urges. That is why they sometimes also go the bathroom in their pants. I learned a lot about babysitting through observational learning. Observational learning is observing and intimating others (341). When I was younger and I was unable to baby sit, a close family friend used to come over and watch my brothers and I. I learned a lot of from her. I learned many games from her that I now play with the kids I baby-sit. That comes in handy when I try to keep all of the kids occupied.Another thing that I learned from her that comes in handy when babysitting is patience. Patience plays a very big role. Kids repeat things over and over again, in other words they donââ¬â¢t know when to quit. That turns into getting on my nerves a lot. I have learned not to let it bother me as much. I have taught myself to take a deep breath when that happens and try to get the kids minds on something else. There are tw o different kinds of reinforcement I use with the kids while I baby-sit. They are positive and negative reinforcement (329).I use positive reinforcement when the kids do something that is good. For example, if they clean off their plates after they eat and get everything ready for bed, I will give them a good night treat. If the kids do something bad or if they go against what I tell them to do, I use negative reinforcement. Negative reinforcement may be they do not get a good night treat, they have to go to bed a half an hour early, or I may even give a bad report to their parents. I only give a bad report to the parents if they didnââ¬â¢t listen to me at all, or if they continued to back talk me.I find a lot that latent learning occurs a lot with the kids also (334). While I am baby-sitting I try to teach the kids something new every time. Sometimes they pick it right up other times it takes a while. For example, I try to teach the kids to always wash their hands before and aft er they eat. I teach them by making a point to let them know what I am doing when I wash my hands. Soon after, I will catch one of the kids trying to reach the facet to turn it on so they can wash their hands. When it comes to the kids memory, its not very long.It seems like to me that kids only remember things if they really want it. Other than that, they have short term memory. Short term memory is when you learn something but shortly afterwards you forget what it is (362). For example, when I am helping the kids clean up their room I try to tell them where stuff goes so that they can do it on their own. Well every time it comes to clean up time, they donââ¬â¢t remember where anything goes. When ever the kids do remember what I have said or taught them, they are retrieving memories from storage. Storage is the heart of memory (361).Through all of my years of baby-sitting and experiences, I have learned many things about myself and about the kids I watch. I am now able to predic t what certain kids are going to do or say at a certain time. I have gotten to know each of their personalities and became familiar with they things they like and the things they donââ¬â¢t like. I am also familiar with the things they know and what things they do not know. Through everything the kids put me through and taught me, I have learned a very important thing about myself. I love working with kids and that is what I hope to do in life regardless of what field it is in.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Essay on Deforestation - 2202 Words
Deforestation is a major global problem with serious consequences to the planet. These consequences have a negative effect on the climate, biodiversity, the atmosphere and threatens the cultural and physical survival of life. Deforestation is the permanent destruction of indigenous forests and woodlands. It has resulted in the reduction of indigenous forests to four-fifths of their pre-agricultural area, so that now indigenous forests cover only 21% of the earths land surface. The world Resources Institute regards deforestation as one of the worlds most pressing land use problem. It is now so bad that every minute an area of forest equal to 20 football fields is lost. Rainforests cover less thanâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Logging tropical hardwoods like teak, mahogany, rosewood and other timber for furniture, building materials, charcoal and other wood products is big business and creates big profits. Several species of tropical hardwoods are imported by developed counties, including America, just to build coffins which are then buried or burned. The demand, extraction and consumption of tropical hardwoods has been so massive that some countries which have been traditional exporters of tropical hardwoods are now importing the wood because they have already exhausted their supply by destroying their native rainforests in slash and burn operations. It is anticipated that The Philippines, Malaysia, The Ivory Coast, Nigeria and Thailand will all run out of rainforest hardwood for export within the next five years. In addition to logging for exportation, rainforest wood stays in developing countries for fuel wood and charcoal. One single steel plant in Brazil making steel for Japanese cars needs millions of tons of wood each year to produce charcoal that can be used in the manufacture of steel. Then there is the paper industry. A pulpwood project in the Brazilian Amazon consists of a Japanese power plant and pulp mill. To set up this single plant operation, 5,600 square miles of Amazon Rainforest was burned to the ground and replantedShow MoreRelatedDeforestation : Deforestation And Deforestation2094 Words à |à 9 Pagesto deforestation. The Amazon is the worldââ¬â¢s largest tropical rainforest and it is the worldââ¬â¢s source of oxygen. Deforestation has slowed down years ago, but now, it is starting to increase and does not show that it will slow down. Earth without treeââ¬â¢s, the human race and animals would not be able to survive. Todayââ¬â¢s society is not taking deforest ation as a serious matter. If deforestation were to be left alone, the planet and animals would not be the only ones suffering from it. Deforestation isRead MoreDeforestation Is The Real Consequences Of Deforestation1231 Words à |à 5 Pageslike without these forests? If the rate of deforestation continues to increase then we may have to find out the answer to that question. Deforestation is a recurring global problem which is the act of tearing down a forest to use the land for a different purpose. Todayââ¬â¢s society is so steadfast on advancement that they aren t stepping back to look at the solutions to the problem, alternatives, nor the very real consequences of deforestation. Deforestation could be destroyed in multiple ways. One ofRead MoreDeforestation And Its Effects On Deforestation1505 Words à |à 7 Pagesdisappear.â⬠Itââ¬â¢s time for the government to take action on deforestation. Rainforests are an important location for indigenous people and animals because thatââ¬â¢s where their home belongs. Yet the government and organizations ignore those facts and just demolish their homes in order to gain a new location for productions. Itââ¬â¢s a topic thatââ¬â¢s constantly debated in politics and society should take a recognition on whatââ¬â¢s happening in deforestation. More than half of the worldââ¬â¢s rainforests are destroyedRead MoreArticle Review On Deforestation And Deforestation999 Words à |à 4 The article focuses on the habitat loss due to deforestation. The author talks about the different purpose of deforestation such as agriculture, forestry, or water projects that endangers the species that live in the area. The article is based on information taken from World Wildlife Fund, IUCN, and Red List. The information that the author provides is important and useful to the topic of deforestation. Overall, the article is well written and well researched. MainstreamRead MoreDeforestation And The Global Issue Of Deforestation934 Words à |à 4 Pagessocial causes of deforestation are predominantly created by human needs. In turn these causes hinder sustainability. This report states that although it is important to meet the needs of humans, the needs must be satisfied in a sustainably conscious manner. For this to be achieved, direct effects of each human need must be critically analysed and understood. This paper aims to deliver this by identifying particular human actions that contribute to the global issue of deforestation. Furthermore, theRead MoreDeforestation Is Justified By Deforestation1964 Words à |à 8 Pagesdioxide, a toxic gas. As deforestation occurs, many forests are being wiped out and replaced with farmland. This leads to the question ââ¬Å"Can Deforestation Be Justified?â⬠For the purpose of this essay, deforestation can be defined as Deforestation is the clearing of a forest or stand of trees where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest us. Deforestation can be justified because it provides land for farming and natural resources. On the other hand, deforestation cannot be justified becauseRead MoreThe Deforestation Of The Amazons Deforestation1809 Words à |à 8 PagesThe Amazons Deforestation Have your eyes ever set on a barren land where even technology canââ¬â¢t reverse the damage we have caused? We care mostly for the present, but we must never forget to see to the future and in this case the deforestation of the Amazons. ââ¬Å"Deforestation is considered the second largest anthropogenic source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphereâ⬠(Song et al. 2). Each day we are wiping out miles of trees from one of our most diverse ecosystems in the planet, and one of our largestRead MoreDeforestation Analysis994 Words à |à 4 Pagesprices, conservation policies and deforestation in Colombia, a multiple regression model will be constructed to relate the changes in forest cover (variable pending) by established period of time, tipping points in the policies (independent variable ) and variation in the agricultural prices (control variable) (Assuncao et al., 2015, Reyes-Hernà ¡ndez et al., 2003). The following describes each of the variables to be analyzed in the study: Deforestation Deforestation data will be collected from theRead MoreDeforestation2514 Words à |à 11 Pagesproblem which in this case is deforestation explored though the areas interconnectedness with Biodiversity and Conservation Biology as well as the area of Soil and Agriculture. Furthermore the first part contains a relevant environmental awareness and responsibility plan. The second part contains my own ââ¬Å"Statement of Environmental Awareness and Responsibilityâ⬠DEFORESTATION ââ¬â a challenge to sustainable environment on Earth By Eric Notulu Mubuka INTRODUCTION Deforestation is commonly defined as:Read MoreDanger of Deforestation2627 Words à |à 11 PagesThe Danger of Deforestation(rough draft) By Chenghao Chen ENGL 289 Mrs. Michelle Graf 7/1/2012 It is obvious the importance of the forest vegetation to everyone in the society. However, people in the past ages did a kind of thing that they thought was very meaningfulââ¬âcutting down the trees. When they recall this history, most of them cannot be restrained from their remorse and guilty to it. Trees or forest are things that not only protect the environment but also help people to live better
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